General Information
- Why am I being charged an annual fee?
- If I live in another country, how can I contact California Child Support?
- What if one of the parents moves out of state, or lives in another country?
- If I have a private case and need to set up payments, what should I do?
- If I have a private case and need help, can I use Child Support Services?
- What does “private child support case” mean?
Receiving Child Support Payments
- If the parent paying support goes to jail, will I still get payments?
- My ex has remarried and has more kids. Will this affect the child support paid to our children?
- Where can I get a history of all of the payments made to me?
- Can I reach a live Electronic Payment Card customer service agent without an account?
- Who should I call if my Electronic Payment Card is lost or stolen?
- What if I have questions about my Electronic Payment Card?
Making Child Support Payments
- How do I make sure my payment is applied to the current month?
- I live outside the United States. Can I use ExpertPay to pay child support?
- What do I do if I have to stop a payment with my bank?
- What is the Child Support Warning Notice?
- My passport has a hold on it. Why? And how can I get it released?
- My driver’s license has been suspended due to unpaid child support. How do I get it released?
Paperless Transition
- How do I download the GoProgram mobile app?
- My account is locked due to incorrect PIN, what should I do?
- I am getting a user error when I put in my Participant ID or Date of Birth (DOB) on the website, it says Account Could Not Be Found or Invalid Information. What do I do?
- I registered my account on the GoProgram website, but still cannot use the card.
- I am using my Participant ID in the User ID field on the GoProgram website, but it gives me an error message?
- Can I enroll in Direct Deposit or get an Electronic Payment Card or if I live outside of the United States?